Customer use case: Cambridge Football

June 12, 2023    Payments, Registration, Youth sports

Cambridge Football quote

Is managing your club or team more complex than it needs to be? Are you overwhelmed with all the work and responsibilities that come with being a club or team admin? 

That’s why we created Pickle Juice. We wanted teams, league and club admins to enjoy the ease of reporting and registration without having to do it all yourself manually. We reached out to some of our customers to see how the platform improved the way their teams manage registrations and payments. 

One of our customers, Cambridge Football, said that they made the switch to Pickle Juice because their last platform had no email support and lacked personal communication. 

“[Pickle Juice] helps streamline communication.” 

By using our team messaging platform, you can easily send emails and texts to parents, players, coaches, and administrators. In fact, you can email and text from one central place, as well as send group messages.

We love getting feedback from our customers and seeing how Pickle Juice has transformed the way that they approach their admin role. We are always open to how to improve our system and make your life easier. If you ever want to reach out or have any questions, please contact us here!

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