How to Deal with Players Who Still Owe Money

September 15, 2021    Payments

players who still owe money

We’ve all been there—the team registration process turns into a nightmare when it’s unclear who has paid and who has not. Even if you can easily figure out who still owes money for their team registration, how do you encourage them to pay their dues? 

Don’t worry; we’ve made it easier to collect payments from players who still owe in a way that will not harm a personal relationship. It comes down to two key features: messaging and electronic invoices. 

How the messaging feature can help you collect money from those who still owe

Utilize our messaging feature to send custom emails or text messages to groups. You can easily group together those who still have an outstanding balance and ensure you’re only sending payment reminders to them. No need to utilize multiple tools or reach out individually; you can do it all from one central place. 

Confirmations and receipts help keep your communications organized. You’re able to stay up to date with registration confirmations and payment receipts for those who have paid, but also keep up with payment plan reminders and failed payments for those who have not. 

How electronic invoices can help

Our system allows you to securely send electronic invoices via email to players and parents who have an outstanding balance and still owe money. 

We’ll generate a secure email that contains a recap of the invoice as well as an easily accessible “Pay Now” button, making it easy for users to pay on demand. 

This helps take the manual work out of it and allows you to be available for anything else that may arise during the registration period (and we know there can be plenty of things!). 

We’re here to help relieve the registration burden as much as we can. Getting you the payments you’re missing is just one of the many ways we do that. If you have any questions about these features or haven’t signed up for Pickle Juice yet, you can reach out to us here. And if you haven’t heard, if you sign up today, you’ll get access to our premium package at the same price as our standard package through the end of the year. 

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