Winter Break Tips for Coaches

December 1, 2021    Youth sports

winter break tips

You’ve made it! Winter break is finally here. But before you start making plans for your time off, check to make sure you’re following these winter break tips for coaches in order to get the most out of it.

Make time to relax!

You’ve worked hard this season, and you deserve a break. Spend some quality time with friends and family not thinking about your team or your job (as much as you can!). Your athletes will notice the difference that rest can make and they deserve to come back from break to an even better version of you. 

It’s all about balance.

While rest is so important during this time, so is staying active. Sure, you don’t need to practice every day of your break, but you should make sure you’re getting in some physical and mental workouts throughout your vacation. This will keep your mind and body sharp so you don’t need time to readjust once we go back to reality.

Reflect on 2021 and plan for 2022. 

Take some time during this break to reflect on what worked and what did not work in 2021, then begin planning for 2022. Set some resolutions related to your team(s) and team management. Bonus: we can help you with this! Just reach out to us here and let us know your needs. 

Set your athletes up for success. 

Before the break begins, give your athletes a plan so they can get the most out of their time off as well. Start with the same tips above. Prioritize rest for them so they can be their best selves on and off the field, but remind them to not get stagnant. You know your athletes best—do they need a workout plan? Do they need regular communication from you throughout the break? If that’s the case, take advantage of the Pickle Juice Message Center and send out mass messages to all of your athletes in order to make it easier on you. 

Keep your athletes safe. 

If you do intend on having practice during the break, make sure you follow these tips for coaches in the winter as well as these tips for athletes in the winter. Your athletes’ safety should be your top priority! 

Enjoy your break! If there’s any way we can come alongside you to help set you up for a successful winter break and successful 2022, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here
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