Our 2021 Recap

December 10, 2021    Youth sports

We’re ready for you, 2022! As we look forward to another year, we want to make sure we’re also looking back on all that has happened in 2021. 

Here are the biggest things that impacted 2021 and what we learned from them:

For our customers

The biggest thing we’ve watched you do in 2021 was get a handle on life in an ongoing pandemic. 2020 was a year of reactivity, while 2021 was a year of intention and proactivity. We watched you have a more general awareness of the pandemic and be conscious of others. We admire the flexibility and thoughtfulness that you exhibited this year. 

We also watched you properly prepare for contactless registrations, as tough as they may be. Again, your flexibility was admirable as you navigated this new normal. 

Last, we recognize your intentional communication. You stayed in close contact with your teams via the Message Center in order to update them on practices, games, weather issues, and more. 

For the Pickle Juice staff

This year brought about a better understanding of what is important to our organization. 

Our goal was (and always is) to provide you with solutions through our current features as well as collect new feature requests that we are working on implementing. We’ve focused on delivering functionality and value throughout the year with new features like fundraising and mobile POS

We hope that you’ve felt your voice was being heard this year, and we look forward to proving that even more in 2022. 

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from 2021 is that these are ever-changing times and we strive to be as accommodating as possible. 

As we head into 2022, what goals do you have for your team management? How can we help you achieve those goals? Never hesitate to reach out to us and let us know your thoughts and needs. That’s what we’re here for! 

Cheers to a happy and successful 2022.

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